The first training for young agripreneures in Bijeljina

Prvi trening u trajanju od 3 dana održaće se u Bijeljini u period od 28-30.11.2022. godine. Trening će biti održan u hotelu “River” ( Učesnici će na treningu osim upoznavanja sa projektom i dinamikom realizacijom, imati prilike da se upoznaju sa savremenim aspektima poljoprivredne proizvodnje, preduzetništva, projektnog menadžmenta itd. Predavač i treneri su ljudi sa […]

Become an AGRIPRENEUR beneficiary

The selection of 50 privileged beneficiaries (agripreneuers) who will participate in the implementation of the AGRIPRENUR project and have the opportunity to acquire new skills of leadership, entrepreneurship, innovation and project management, building a strong network of colleagues to generate success in agri-business and communities will begin soon. Young agricultural entrepreneurs should contribute to the […]

The implementation of the AGRIPRENEUR project begins

Thanks to the support of the Embassy of the United States of America in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the project AGRIPRENEUR (Agriculture Graduates Rising Innovation, Production and Resources through Entrepreneurial Networking and Education Uptake Rates) will be implemented during a one-year period (August 2022 – July 2023). The project is intended for young people who professionally […]