Carla is a Full Professor and Extension Specialist in Sustainable Tourism at North Carolina State University (USA). She pursued her doctoral studies at Michigan State University in Parks, Recreation & Tourism. After her doctoral graduation, she joined the faculty of Tourism at University of Missouri as an assistant professor. In 2012, Barbieri founded the Agritourism & Societal Well-being Lab that orchestrate research and extension efforts seeking to increase the wellbeing of farmers and rural communities. She leads investigations related to emerging issues influencing the success of agritourism and farm entrepreneurial diversification. Barbieri’s extension program addresses the needs of agritourism farmers, seeking to enhance their quality of life and rural well-being. Barbieri and her team conduct their research and extension efforts regionally and nationally in the USA, as well as internationally (e.g., Canada, Ecuador, Perú, Rwanda, Spain). Barbieri’s work has yield over 100 scientific publications and outreach materials; she also actively presents at national and international conferences. She recently delivered a keynote for the International Workshop in Agritourism. Barbieri’s work has been recognized with several honors, including the Emerging Scholar award (2017, International Academy for the Study of Tourism) and the National Diversity Team Award (2018, National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals). In 2019, she received a Fulbright Scholarship to work in Spain and earlier this year she was recognized for her international work with the NC State Outstanding Global Engagement Award.